Juice news & info

Gary Lavin

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Live chat or live person?

Posted by Gary Lavin on Oct 19, 2024 11:39:40 AM

CEO Juice has always been virtual and never had a phone system. We go straight from emails or Chat to online meetings when needed. We try really hard to have great documentation to avoid tickets.
We have been slowly revising our Chat engine (Powered by ChatGPT). This is a process we intend to roll out to our clients so you can publish on your website, not just for tickets but also for sales leads, etc. When we 1st started the plan was to push the chat to Teams where a live person could answer. However, I feel the goal is to have the chat always answer correctly.

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AGI is coming fast

Posted by Gary Lavin on Aug 31, 2024 1:40:06 PM

As a dealer principal, do you follow artificial general intelligence (AGI)? Does your dealership have a plan? CEO Juice is planning, I think you should at least be aware. I worried that clients would think I had lost it if I published this blog too soon but today I read about Oprah's new ABC show "AI and the Future of Us" and decided it was time.

I started following AGI when I read Ray Kurzweil's, Age of spiritual machine in 1999 and then The Singularity is near in 2005. While Kurzweil was the 1st to have the vision, Elon Musk was the 1st to have the vision AND enact a plan.

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Juice is hiring again!

Posted by Gary Lavin on Aug 18, 2024 10:00:29 AM

CEO Juice is hiring again! We are looking to expand our Level 1 helpdesk team! Always remote, must have eAutomate experience, $60k+.

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A single pane of interactive glass

Posted by Gary Lavin on Jul 5, 2024 4:30:00 PM

Most of our clients have data stored in multiple databases. eAutomate is generally the master but typically we see a CRM like SalesForce/SalesChain, a DCA like Printanista/MPS Monitor/EKM, marketing software like HubSpot, a PSA like ConnectWise/AutoTask, etc. Then there are lots of places to view the data from these DBs, we have been focused on Microsoft Power BI since we built our 1st Covid dashboard in early 2020.

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Chat GPT for dealers & your customers

Posted by Gary Lavin on Jan 21, 2024 4:51:23 PM

I am a big fan of Marcus Sheridan's book, They Ask, You Answer, any owner looking to expand marketing should read it.

For our clients getting into marketing I have been saying for years to stop sales reps attaching PDFs in emails to prospects and instead include links to the information. This has several advantages, the sales rep can see who clicks the link and this will help with your CRM adoption. It forces you to document information correctly and you know the rep is passing accurate information. 

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Topics: AI, ChatGPT

A perfect score in customer satisfaction (2023)

Posted by Gary Lavin on Nov 27, 2023 1:29:27 PM

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the global standard for measuring customer satisfaction levels. It goes from negative 100 to positive 100. A positive 100 is the highest score possible. Like Gross Profit or Revenue, it has to be quantified by time. Many of our clients can achieve a perfect score for a month but let's look at what's involved in getting a perfect score for a year or longer.

The "How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague" question is a scale of zero to ten. Some people believe you can always do better and never score anyone a 10, raving fans (Promoters) are therefore people who score you a 9 or 10. People who don't like you and if asked would say negative things about your company (Detractors) are anyone who scores you a 6 or lower. A perfect score means every single response has to be a 9 or 10, no 8s or lower.

The NPS system does not take into account the number of responses, if a dealer gets 5 responses in a month then statistically the chances of a perfect score are better than a dealer who gets 1,000 responses in a month. CEO Juice does not calculate NPS if there are less than 5 responses in a month.

Achieving a Perfect Score in customer satisfaction for an entire year is close to impossible.

In 2020 no client had a perfect score with the minimum of 60 responses, in 2019 we had just 1 client who had a perfect score for the year. In 2021 we had 4 clients, 2 in 2022.

In 2022 through the end of October we have 3 clients who still have a perfect score.
We also had one client who achieved a perfect score for 2 years in a row. You can see the scores here, stay tuned to see how the end of year scores look.

We will again publish awards for Net Promoter Score. We publish 3 awards, one for “World Class Service” which Satmetrix defines as a NPS score of 70 or higher, the Top Ten % of Juice clients and “A Perfect Score” if any dealers achieve it.

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Topics: NPS

Quarterly Business Reviews

Posted by Gary Lavin on Oct 24, 2023 4:45:07 AM

In the copier industry, the idea of doing a quarterly review with your larger clients has been around at least since I started selling at Xerox in 1983. Getting the information together back then was a chore, but it's been getting better.

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A history of CEO Juice & eAutomate

Posted by Gary Lavin on Oct 15, 2023 1:52:54 AM

CEO Juice was formed by partners Gary Lavin and Mike Kirkpatrick in 2009. 

Gary started selling copiers for Xerox in 1983, in 1993 he started his 1st dealership, Color Systems in San Diego, in 1995 he implemented eAutomate version 1 (it was called Cash Ops then).

Mike was a consultant working on installs for a product called FasTrack. He went to work as CIO for Standard Office Systems of Atlanta and in 1997 SOS signed up for eAutomate, but it needed work. Mike spent 2 years working with the lead eAuto developer, Chris Kenworthy, to add all the FasTrack features to eAutomate. To incorporate not only the core features from Fastrak (which had been acquired by Digital Gateway by this time) but also all the customization he had done with his Fastrak clients.

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eAutomate User Group 2023

Posted by Gary Lavin on Aug 22, 2023 3:20:29 PM

The 2023 EUG is almost here, Monday September 11th to Thursday the 14th, although most of us will get in on the Sunday evening. It's looking to be the biggest and best EUG ever with 322 people registered as of August 22nd.  The

Agenda is jam packed but here are a few highlights;

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Equipment Orders

Posted by Gary Lavin on Jul 15, 2023 12:19:54 PM

The Equipment Order process is a complicated one. Are you still passing red folders around your office or have you automated the process yet?

We use the term Deal as there may be many orders associated with one deal. We want you to have one order per host equipment as that is the only way we can accurately report the status of a deal.

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