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A single pane of interactive glass

Posted by Gary Lavin on Jul 5, 2024 4:30:00 PM

Most of our clients have data stored in multiple databases. eAutomate is generally the master but typically we see a CRM like SalesForce/SalesChain, a DCA like Printanista/MPS Monitor/EKM, marketing software like HubSpot, a PSA like ConnectWise/AutoTask, etc. Then there are lots of places to view the data from these DBs, we have been focused on Microsoft Power BI since we built our 1st Covid dashboard in early 2020.

ID771 Contracts that need an action plan

When we 1st started reporting on contracts that were losing money we used to notify on contracts with less than ~20% profit. We noticed that not much happened with the reports so we moved to a list of the biggest problems, with a place to store; what was going on, a plan, plus a way to snooze it off the report(ID768). We still had to point you to different places to do the research, whether a browser based SSRS report or a Power BI dashboard or eAuto.

We recently added all the information points needed to our ID771 profit dashboard, so you just had one report to go to for info. You still had to go back into eAutomate to enter the data, until now! Now you can make changes direct from Power BI.

Part of our focus is on connecting these different DBs at our clients, pooling them into a data lake so they can all be viewed in a single pane of glass.

Imagine a future where the AR team has a single dashboard that has all the information they need to view the past due customer they were chasing, notes, last emails, payment history etc. From here they can email a copy of the invoice or just email a link to pay it online, add a note or a task reminder, all without leaving that dashboard. They might not even need an eAutomate license!

We don't see all tasks going here, but if you found a model with the wrong category, the wrong bill code, a DCA showing a device as managed when it's not, a data entry issue or wanted to just add a note.

We see Microsoft as the leader in embedding AI in reports, especially Power BI so you could just ask a question in your natural language. Show me a list of the contracts where we lose the most money, broken out by Print v IT.