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The opportunity & urgency of reselling A.I. Agents

Posted by Gary Lavin on Jan 18, 2025 2:11:23 PM

In the last year all sorts of A.I. "Experts" and companies have come out of the woodwork, so much noise that it is hard to know what to focus on. I just came back from ECS in Scottsdale (great show) where AI was all over the agenda. However, I saw no clear plan for dealers, no when I get back to the office these are the steps. The industry needs a plan around AGI, which I believe is the biggest opportunity this industry has ever had. AGI-2
Start by reading this very recent blog from Sam Altman at OpenAI, it is lengthy but a must read (excerpt above). ChatGPT did not exist 2 years ago, most of us use it daily now.

The simplest way to think of AI is automation. This is what CEO Juice has always done, our tag is "A.I. for your dealership". Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), sometimes called artificial super intelligence (ASI) is the next phase in the evolution of AI.

In simple terms AGI is when we invent a computer smarter than us. Sam and others think that may happen this year. This includes AI Agents that we see dealers who sell Managed IT progressing towards today.

Juice has been all in on Microsoft for quite a few years now, from Power BI to the Power Platform, Microsoft's low code system is what we are betting on.

2025 is going to be THE pivotal year, there is a lot of work to do. We have been focused on integrating the industry's products, time is running out however, APIs need to be built out. Dealers need to take control of the future of the industry, sign up for our proposed solution, ID955. See a history of Juice & eAuto here.

This is the same ECi fight we had a year ago, this is not ECi's or Laryssa's fault this is just how VCs work. If a company is growing at 30% or more they invest, 10 to 30% they mostly leave alone, less than 10% and they raise prices and cut costs. We saw this with the Valsoft acquisition of BEI/Nexera. Had Valsoft succeeded with their recent attempt to acquire ECi we would see the same as eAuto is in the >10% group. 

For more reading, see my response to ChatGPT in Jan 2023, then my AGI is coming blog from August 2024, consider what has changed since Jan 2024 and what might happen this year. The manufacturers need to be fully integrated into our ecosystem also, see what we are doing there with ID838.

Also, understand the relationship between Microsoft and OpenAI. Consider the current Microsoft model on reselling Office365 (you should be reselling) and the opportunity if your company could resell AGI. 

Watch the Jensen keynote from CES this month, if you must start 1 hour in for AI Agents.

Nvidia started by making graphic cards for computers to run games, games are all images and need a lot of resources, Large Language Models also need lots of resources and these Nvidia "GPUs" are the standard for training LLMs. In this keynote Jensen talks about their go to market strategy, which is offering AI Agents to the Managed IT channel, which we are starting to own. At hour 1.27 in the keynote Jensen talks about the planned reseller channel, this should be us and we can move faster than these big consultants!Channel

The future is machine to machine, API to API. The steps for your company today are integration and automation. For your own dealership 1st, then for your customers. The 3 areas I think are primary targets for automation in your dealership are (1) Accounts Receivable, (2) ATRs, (3) The Equipment Order process. We have complete solutions TODAY.


I believe the industry needs a group to help dealers understand what AI is, how to get started using it and then how to resell it. 

Here is what I think you need to do!

Sign up for ID955

Step 2
Move from unstructured to structured data, get rid of paper, spreadsheets etc.

Step 3
Integrate all your systems, the future is machine to machine, API to API. Go to the Juice site and see what you are not using. Automate everything, this is the way to scale.


Step 4
Follow the technology, the conversation is on X (Twitter). Aside from Sam I believe Musk has the clearest view but there is a lot of noise in his feed, filter it, Gary Marcus is bearish on AGI and brings a reality check, Andrej Karpathy was with Musk at Tesla, Lex has great podcasts and is also a coder. For an entertaining and non technical view Lance Eliot. Use the Grok button to have Grok explain the post.