CEO Juice was formed by partners Gary Lavin and Mike Kirkpatrick in 2009.
Gary started selling copiers for Xerox in 1983, in 1993 he started his 1st dealership, Color Systems in San Diego, in 1995 he implemented eAutomate version 1 (it was called Cash Ops then).
Mike was a consultant working on installs for a product called FasTrack. He went to work as CIO for Standard Office Systems of Atlanta and in 1997 SOS signed up for eAutomate, but it needed work. Mike spent 2 years working with the lead eAuto developer, Chris Kenworthy, to add all the FasTrack features to eAutomate. To incorporate not only the core features from Fastrak (which had been acquired by Digital Gateway by this time) but also all the customization he had done with his Fastrak clients.