We added an About section to your profile when you log in to our www.ceojuice.com site (admins only), where you can tell us what software you use for CRM, Ticketing, Marketing etc.
Our ID890 process will sync meters and service calls for equipment not serviced by you, we have been asked to expand that to allow dealers to search for partners to service their ShipOuts. We added a new section under Profile called About, where you can let us know what manufacturers you service, what states you cover and whether or not you would want to share your Net Promoter Score with potential ITT partners. Note you must be logged in to see NPS scores and you can only see others as long as you are sharing yours.
Topics: NPS
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the global standard for measuring customer satisfaction levels. It goes from negative 100 to positive 100. A positive 100 is the highest score possible. Like Gross Profit or Revenue it has to be quantified by time. Many of our clients can achieve a perfect score for a month but let's look at what's involved in getting a perfect score for a year or longer.
The "How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague" question is a scale of zero to ten. As some people believe you can always do better and never score anyone a 10, raving fans (Promoters) are therefore people who score you a 9 or 10. People who don't like you and if asked would say negative things about your company (Detractors) are anyone who scores you a 6 or lower. A perfect score means every single response has to be a 9 or 10, no 8s or lower.
The NPS system does not take in to account the number of responses, if a dealer gets 10 responses in a month then statistically the chances of a perfect score are better then a dealer who gets 1,000 responses in a month. CEO Juice does not calculate NPS if there are less than 10 responses in a month.
Last month (August 2018) we had 34 clients (out of just under 400) who had a perfect score. The number of responses ranged from 11 to 57.
This year to date we have 6 clients with a perfect score! Last year we had 3 clients who had a perfect score for the year.
We have one client who achieved a perfect score for 2 years in a row, they are part of that 6 in the running for a perfect score again in 2018. You can see the scores here, stay tuned to see how the end of year scores look.
Topics: NPS
Could taking care of your customers mean you need less salespeople and is a focus on Good Profits all that is needed?
Topics: NPS