Studies like this show how a Google+ page with positive reviews has a big impact on your page rankings. Said another way, search results for your company will show higher if your company has positive reviews on your Google+ page. This process will help you get positive reviews on your Google+ page.
If you put in a lot of effort to creating great content— do yourself a favor and share it, re-publish it and pitch it to more places. Great content should be shared and the best way to do it is to share it in more places.
Strategies for getting great content on your website
Many dealers new to the concept of Inbound Marketing struggle trying to decide where to start with content to add to their site. We highly recommend reading “They Ask, You Answer” by Marcus Sheridan.
Outbound Marketing is the traditional marketing we have been doing for years, throw stuff out there and see what sticks. Mailshots, TV ads, email blasts, trade shows, telemarketers, down the street cold calling, it's all Outbound.
Topics: inbound marketing
Could taking care of your customers mean you need less salespeople and is a focus on Good Profits all that is needed?
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