One of the new processes we are looking to implement is around tracking & fixing incorrect customer addresses that result in a charge from UPS (or Fedex) for address correction of $13.40 per shipment. Aside from our cost to build and implement this we would have to pay a 3rd party for the validation data. This looks to be about $600 per client per year or $24k for our roughly 400 clients. Based on our feedback so far, clients are seeing UPS correction charges over $600 per month.
Gary Lavin
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The early bird registration for the 2019 EUG is open. We are big fans of the EUG and highly recommend you attend. There will be 18 of the Juice team at this year's meet. Last year was the largest EUG meet ever with over 300 attendees. Please log into the EUG website, After you sign in, the lower right corner will show the Calendar section and you can click on the EUG Annual meeting.
ID587 - Contracts lost & won - What competitor are you losing to?
ID587 is our report to show contracts lost and won (
Our process to survey your customers is one of the most popular things we do and tracking customer satisfaction levels from those surveys has a dramatic impact. This process is fully automated and managed by CEO Juice systems and it is almost impossible for our clients to "game" the system. Click here for our standard response when a client asks us to change a survey response.
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is the global standard for measuring customer satisfaction levels. It goes from negative 100 to positive 100. A positive 100 is the highest score possible. Like Gross Profit or Revenue it has to be quantified by time. Many of our clients can achieve a perfect score for a month but let's look at what's involved in getting a perfect score for a year or longer.
The "How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague" question is a scale of zero to ten. As some people believe you can always do better and never score anyone a 10, raving fans (Promoters) are therefore people who score you a 9 or 10. People who don't like you and if asked would say negative things about your company (Detractors) are anyone who scores you a 6 or lower. A perfect score means every single response has to be a 9 or 10, no 8s or lower.
The NPS system does not take in to account the number of responses, if a dealer gets 10 responses in a month then statistically the chances of a perfect score are better then a dealer who gets 1,000 responses in a month. CEO Juice does not calculate NPS if there are less than 10 responses in a month.
Last month (August 2018) we had 34 clients (out of just under 400) who had a perfect score. The number of responses ranged from 11 to 57.
This year to date we have 6 clients with a perfect score! Last year we had 3 clients who had a perfect score for the year.
We have one client who achieved a perfect score for 2 years in a row, they are part of that 6 in the running for a perfect score again in 2018. You can see the scores here, stay tuned to see how the end of year scores look.
Topics: NPS
In the past, copier dealers focused on sales and left marketing to the manufacturers. Buyers now go online to do their research and respond to marketing messages and end up at the websites of the manufacturers and, subsequently, in their databases. Leaving marketing to your manufacturer is the same as sending all your prospects to them or to their locally owned competitor.
It’s time to get focused on sales AND marketing. Any experienced marketing expert knows a good story beats a sales pitch every time, because people love stories - they connect, react, and make purchase decisions because of them. When it comes to structuring stories around your marketing efforts one of the industry experts is Lisa Gerber.Lisa is offering CEO Juice clients a free one hour webinar on how to add a story to your marketing message.
The 2018 eAutomate User Group meeting is on Monday, April 16th through Wednesday, April 18th, 2018, followed by Steering Committee sessions and CEO Juice User Group meeting on Thurs April 19th, at The Sheraton Hotel in Salt Lake City. The Juice session starts after the steering committee meetings end at 10AM. Click here to register for the EUG. Click here to register for the Juice session. You can come to the Juice session only and not the rest of the EUG.
Click here for a list of processes covered at EUG 2018.
Net Promoter Score has become the standard on the planet for any company interested in tracking customer satisfaction levels. Google any major corporation followed by Net Promoter Score and you will find that they are using NPS to some extent. It is a simple metric, a number for how happy you customers are in a given time period. Like revenue or profit it needs a date, what was your NPS for last year or last month. Click here for how the numbers are calculated.
Outbound Marketing is the traditional marketing we have been doing for years, throw stuff out there and see what sticks. Mailshots, TV ads, email blasts, trade shows, telemarketers, down the street cold calling, it's all Outbound.
Topics: inbound marketing