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Smart Strategies to Promote Your Blog

Posted by Suzanne Seavey on Oct 31, 2017 1:07:12 PM

 If you put in a lot of effort to creating great content— do yourself a favor and share it, re-publish it and pitch it to more places.  Great content should be shared and the best way to do it is to share it in more places. 

Sharing your blog on social media platforms that you know your audience uses is a smart idea.  Each week pick a topic that you would like to focus and try to have a companywide contest to see who can generate the most posts.   

CEO_1.jpgWhat you will do is post your blog like normal and try to get it out on the company’s social media accounts.  Try to focus on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.  It would be a good idea for your employees to retweet or re-share to get the content out there more.  It would be a good idea to have software tracking in place to be able to track the re-posts and to see how the blog is trending. 

Each week after the competition ends you can give the winner a prize, gift card, etc.  Here is a great site for blog contest giveaway ideas.  Remember having a blog helps cultivate relationships, promote your brand, and bring in business.